Automated Living virtual exhibition

Automated Living, 2022

Automated Living, in a continuation of Useless Machines (2021), responds to the neo-colonialist practice of electronic waste dumping. It a virtual shop, akin aesthetically to peculiar, clunky e-commerce websites, hawking a collection of overengineered ‘machines’ with humorous applications ranging from sinister to pointless. The work also comprises a series of videos aping Western obsessions with convenience and novelty which so often come at a cost to humans elsewhere in the world

The Automated Living virtual exhibition was built by 4Pi Productions as part of CULTVR Lab’s 2022 Catalyst 360




Single-channel videos, 59 seconds

Starring - Bronagh Murray and George McAndrew Shoba

Narration - Buom Tihngang

Music - Not Sarah

Commissioned by CULTVR Lab

Virtual exhibition build - 4Pi Productions